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ESPR Staff

both past & present

Jan Kulveit
Executive Director, Instructor

Jan is a Research Fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford and a researcher at the Center for Theoretical Study in Prague.

His research is centered on studying the behaviour and interactions of boundedly rational agents and, more generally, on making AI aligned with human interests. Jan is also interested in modeling complex interacting systems, and strategies to influence the long-term future. He co-organizes the Human-aligned AI Summer School.


Gavin Leech

Doing a AI PhD, philosophy graduate, compulsive blogger. Likes hills, singing, writing, barbells, writing, technical solutions to philosophical problems, and writing. Worked on COVID models somehow. Also co-runs Arb, a research consultancy.


Mihaly Barasz 

Mihaly was a software engineer at Google and a former perfect scorer on the International Mathematical Olympiad. He holds an M.Sc. in Mathematics from Eotvos University, Hungary. Mihaly is interested in functional languages, formal proof systems, and rock climbing. He aims to become a full-time AI alignment researcher.


Damon Sasi

Damon Sasi is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Florida, where he works as a Youth and Family therapist by day and writes Pokemon rational fiction by night. He's a strong believer in both the power of stories as a catalyst for growth, and the power of rationality to improve therapeutic practices, and is working to combine all three in as many ways as possible.


Elizabeth Garret

Elizabeth is an aspiring dicentenarian, former unschooler, and former chief of a rambunctious house of rationalists in Berkeley. She’s worked as a preschool teacher in Spain, market researcher for a biotech startup, and coworking community manager. She worked at the Center for Applied Rationality and recently moved to Oxford to pursue her dream career.


Stag Lynn

Stag is an independent researcher looking into some wacky aspects of human behavior and big fan of stories and narratives. A youth filled with enthusiasm for late-night conversations and a desire to map the human mind for practical purposes rather than deeper understanding. He is an ESPR 2016 alumnus and ESPR 2017-2021 staff.


Misha Yagudin
Guest Instructor

Misha runs Arb, a research consultancy. He studied ML and enjoyed math olympiads a lot.


Neel Nanda

Neel is an AI interpretability researcher at Anthropic. He graduated from a maths degree at Cambridge in 2020. He is excited about understanding himself, the world, blogging, and optimising things. He is an ESPR 2016 and 2017 alumnus, and ESPR 2021 staff.


Anicka Dolezalova

Math PhD, spends the rest of her time on the slackline, climbing, dancing (ballroom dances + salsa), puzzle hunts, guitar, figuring out how her brain works, and organizing (art) camps for kids and (math) camps for students.


Tomas Gavenciak

Tomáš is a researcher at Charles University Prague, interested in value learning and representation, game theory and bounded rationality. He used to work in CS theory (algorithms and complexity, graphs, game theory, genomics, etc.). He enjoys good tea, board games, introspection, and green scenes outside his window.


Anna Gajdova

Anna studied Mathematics for 6 years and gradually realized she enjoys learning maths only outside the university. Besides ESPR, she helps run a program focused on interdisciplinary research focused on making AI systems beneficial. She enjoys the company of people, dogs, and books.


Kristie Nemcova

Kristie helps organize this camp and many other projects as a remote contractor. Previously, she studied radiological technology and was Community Director of the Czech Effective Altruism Association.



Yan Zhang
Senior Advisor

Yan Zhang, director of our sister camp SPARC, is an assistant professor in mathematics at San Jose State University after receiving his PhD from MIT. He wants to help people become more human and awesome. He has mentored students at the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (where he represented the U.S. at the International Mathematics Olympiad with a silver medal), RSI, and MIT-PRIMES. He received the Undergraduate Math Association’s Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award for his postdoctoral position at UC Berkeley.